Ethical Sourcing Policy
Ethical Sourcing Policy
At Arora Aromatics Pvt. Limited (AAPL) we are committed to taking a leadership role in subscribing to high standards of ethical conduct by working with all of our suppliers to positively influence our social, ethical and environmental performance. We recognise our corporate and social responsibilities reside as much in our supply chain as in our own activities. We continually seek to ensure that the products and services we source are ethically produced.
Suppliers, who respect, comply with or interpret at the organisational level relevant laws are preferred. We look for suppliers that demonstrate a commitment. We believe these considerations to be the platform from which responsible behaviours can build.
Labour Standards
AAPL expects suppliers to adopt sound labour practices and to treat their employees fairly in accordance with local laws and regulations regarding labour and employment. AAPL expects its suppliers to adhere to the following requirements:
Employment is freely chosen
Suppliers will not use forced, bonded or involuntary labour.
Child Labour
Suppliers shall not use child labour. Suppliers shall verify the age of their workers and maintain copies of their workers’ proof of age. Suppliers shall follow all applicable laws, regulations regarding working hours and conditions for all employees.
Involuntary Labour
Suppliers shall not use involuntary labour. Workers must be free to leave once their shift ends and free to leave their employment after reasonable notice.
Non Discrimination or Harassment
Suppliers shall employ workers solely on the basis of their ability to do the job and shall not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, racial characteristics, maternity or material status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, disability, national, cultural, religious or personal beliefs in relation to hiring, wages, benefits, termination or retirement. There shall be no inappropriate medical testing used in determining employment. Physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation shall be prohibited.
Monitoring and Compliance
Generally, suppliers will not be engaged as a preferred supplier to AAPL unless the Ethical Sourcing Policy can be complied with and AAPL considers performance is acceptable, or genuine attempts are being made to address violations of this policy. AAPL reserves the right to audit compliance with this policy or appoint a third party to conduct an audit. Any violations will be reported to the supplier’s management for their attention and, if appropriate corrective action. Regardless of corrective action required, AAPL may terminate its relationship with any supplier who does not comply with the Ethical Sourcing Policy, without liability to the supplier for damages resulting from termination.
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